CBGL provides independent inspections for components at the source, on-site during receiving, throughout prefabrication and field installation and during any remediation processes. Our QA/QC services are an essential element that helps to ensure a build clean project with cGMP installation methods in place.
Our Quality Assurance team is well versed in verifying field fabrication/installation procedures and certifying the safety, purity and integrity of installed systems. We ensure that internal specifications are met and that current compliance standards and regulations are upheld. Our oversight includes materials for both metallic and non-metallic materials for fittings, regulators, tubing, valves and other components.
Services Include:
Quality plans, Specifications
QA/QC supervision, welding, testing Full validation packages
Quality Assurance QA Management
Development of procedures for high purity installations
Weld Inspection for High Purity welding
Analytical Testing for Gas and DIW lines
Vendor audits
Specification review
Installation drawing review
Materials of Construction
Installing Contractor assessments
Installation Procedures & Protocol
cGMP Compliance Program review
Work Scope & Task Definitions
Visual Acceptance Standards
Materials Weld Library
Materials Acceptance
Testing Procedures & Methodology
Testing Criteria/Acceptance
Project Management
Strategic Planning & Execution
High Return QA/QC Activities
Risk Assessment
Execution Best Practices
Manpower & Equipment Utilization
Schedule & Contingency Planning
Budget & Cost Control
Safety Execution & Performance
Materials Management
Supplier Material & Component Assessments
Supplier Audits
Source Inspections
Pedestal Inspections
On-site Material & Component Receiving Assessments
Prefab Inspection & Verification
Cleanroom Certification
Welding/Systems Qualification
Welder Qualification
Remediation Oversight
Field Installation Inspection
Welding/Systems Qualification
Borescope Inspection
Slope Verification
Critical Systems Validation
Non-destructive Examination (NDE)
Remediation Oversight
Installation Value Assessments
UHP Installation Procedures & Protocol
Installation Contractor Personnel
Owner Personnel
Sustaining Operations Personnel
cGMP Compliance Program
Installation Contractor Personnel
Owner Personnel
Sustaining Operations Personnel
Acceptance Testing
Installed Process Gas & Chemical Systems
Pressure Decay
Helium Leak
Trace Gases
THC Analysis
Installed Process Water Systems
TOC Analysis
Non-Process Systems
Certification Testing
Low ppb/ppt Certification of Process Bulk Gases
Gas Chromatography
RGD, FID, DID Analysis
​Lab Analysis Interpretation
Testing Value Assessments
Troubleshooting Failed Systems
Document Control
Welder Qualification Reports
Cleanroom & Operations Certification
Weld Procedure Qualification Reports & Logs
Inspection Reports & Logs
Testing Reports & Logs
Verification Logs & Reports
ISO Drawings & Weld Map Packages
cGMP Documentation, Logs, Reports
Cleaning/Passivation Documentation
Turnover Package
Electronic Information Collection, Analysis, and Dissemination
Project Validation
Vendor Qualifications
Material Certification Conformity
Material Incoming Inspection Reports
Weld Procedures, Welder Qualification Verification
Inspection and Test Plan
Full Welding Traceability/ Reports
Non-confirmative Reports
Corrective Action
Design Clarification